Oke News-I Nyoman Wara, said the event began with a ceremony at Temple Tawur Kesanga Eka Wira Anantha. The ceremony was attended not only Hindus, but also representatives Wiwitan as Sundanese Sundanese Banten.

After the ritual worship, Hindus in Banten then make ogoh-ogoh parade around the city. Carnival is not only displays of Balinese culture, but also the local culture.


Ogoh-ogoh in the procession comes from the 6 train throughout Banten. Starting from Serang, Tangerang, Ciledug, South Tangerang, Rempoa, until Tigaraksa. Appearance participants ogoh-ogoh carrier will be competed by the art of creativity, attraction, movement, dance, and the theme is presented.

The jury who assess the procession, said I Nyoman Wara, imported directly from Jakarta. This is done so that an assessment of the ogoh-ogoh paraded unaffiliated with the original banjo participants.

Nyepi in Banten took the theme 'Make Catur Brata Penyepian Strengthening Diversity Tolerance For the Integrity of Nation and State Homeland'.