OOIDA has asked the DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to double the comment period from 60 days to 120 days, which would push the comment period’s deadline to January 7.
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“This is one of the most significant [proposed rule] in decades as it relates to the safety of the traveling public, roadway efficiency, and the livelihood of our nation’s professional truck drivers. One way or another, the outcome of this [proposed rule] will impact everyone,” OOIDA says in its request. “Considering what is at stake, as well as the amount of time and resources it will take for OOIDA and our members – many of which are on the road and away from home for 250 days (or more) each year – to develop meaningful comments, DOT should accept our reasonable request for a 60-day extension to file comments.”
NHTSA and FMCSA published the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Sept. 7, initiating the 60-day public comment period in which fleets, owner-operators, industry stakeholders and the public at large can file formal comments related the rule and its requirements.
The rule was short on several key details, such as what the speed limit for trucks would be and to what extend the rule would be retroactive for trucks already in use. The agencies are looking for feedback from industry stakeholders to help guide it in crafting the final rule.
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