Oke News- Actor John Hurt, originally from Britain who managed to collect an Oscar nomination for her role in "Midnight Express" and "The Elephant Man," has died at the age of 77,

Known character in the movie tormented, Injured recall died on screen in the 1979 space adventure "Alien" when the creature burst from his chest during lunch spacecraft hall.

John Hurt
Hurting always stayed busy, working more than six Decades in television, film and sound works in the United Kingdom and the United States. He recently played a priest who counseled Jacqueline Kennedy in last year's biopic "Jackie," According to IMDb.
"I was found to work better than no work," he said, According to his bio IMDb. , "There are others who would say, 'No, wait around for the right thing' - and they will finish the beast Purer than me ... Of course, I did not do anything in any way: I did change a lot of stuff down, Because this is absolute nonsense. But I usually find something interesting to do. "

Read more http://edition.cnn.com/2017/01/27/entertainment/john-hurt-obit/