Oke News-January 8, 2017 world-renowned scientist Stephen Hawking celebrates its 75th anniversary. Mankind is renowned not only because of scientific work, but also through courageous struggle with serious illness, which almost led to its complete immobilization. Stephen Hawking has impressive intellectual abilities, but his body was unfortunately struck a terrible disease - a disease of neural motor-side lateral sclerosis (ALS).In honor of its anniversary Ukrainian News prepared a selection of the best and most famous books Hokkynha for easy reading of complex matter.

Stephen Hawking

Higher plan

The purpose of this book - to answer exciting questions of the universe, answers, based on the latest scientific discoveries and theoretical developments. They lead us to a unique theory that describes a huge, wonderfully diverse universe - the theory that allows us to solve Higher plan.

The shortest story time- A new version of the world famous "Brief History of Time", the latest data replenished cosmology attempt even simpler and easier to lay out the most complex theories.This popular science book devoted to issues of space and time, the origin of the universe. Like some other books Hokkynha, she was co-written with science popularizer Leonard Mlodynovыm.Black Holes and young universes Stephen Hawking This book is a collection of essays by prominent physicist Stephen Hawking modern written by him during the period from 1976 to 1992 This autobiographical essays and reflections of the author about the philosophy of science, the origin of the universe and its fate.

World in nutshell
This is another brilliantly illustrated popular science book on the origin of the universe and the nature of space and time.Universe Stephen Hawking. Three books about space and timeThe publication includes three popular science bestseller outstanding contemporary physicist Stephen Hawking, in which he tells a fascinating and accessible nature of space and time, the origin of the universe and its possible fate.Ukrainian News earlier published a list of books that surprised the President of Petro Poroshenko. Total listed six books published in 2016.Also one of the most respected publications in the world The Washington Post podvylo uhodyascheo results, and published a list of the most important books. Editions has selected the top 10 books that make will be remembered in 2016.

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