Oke News-The trailer opens with a woman running down a hallway, before telling another that she can’t let her out of a locked room. In that locked room? Someone infected with one of the deadly xenomorphs. The trailer goes on to show off a starship reaching the planet, the explorers coming across one of the alien starships, and some very familiar egg pods, all set to a creepy cover of Nat King Cole’s song Nature Boy.

The trailer appears to help bridge the gap between Prometheus and the original Alien. There’s the slick design and visuals of the latter, while it appears that the film has taken a cue from the former when it comes to dishing out horror.

Trailer For Alien

Alien: Covenant will be released on May 19th, 2017.

Ridley Scott’s Prometheus had a lot of potential: it was Ridley Scott’s bold return to the franchise that helped make his career, with an intriguing cast and incredible visuals. Ultimately, it was a disappointment, which means that Scott’s next foray into the Alien franchise will have to work all that much harder. The first trailer for the film, Alien Covenant, has just dropped, and it looks as though the franchise is going back into safe territory horror.

Read more http://www.theverge.com/2016/12/25/13906958/first-trailer-alien-covenant-ridley-scott